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New York Association of Collaborative Professionals


Maspeth Marriage is a wonderful thing. In the right circumstances, it can bring 2 parties together for the rest of their lives, helping them to live together in joy and peace. Of course, there's never any guarantee that a marriage will work out. Though many partners will do everything they can to ensure that their relationship lasts for as long as possible, there's always a risk that something could go wrong.

Although the statistics show that in New York only around 12.9 in every 1000 married people got a divorce in 2016, that doesn't necessarily mean that living in New York ensures your marriage won't end poorly. Unfortunately, people living in any state, or indeed anywhere in the world can still find themselves dealing with the complexity and heartache of a divorce. The important thing to remember is that while the end of a marriage is never easy, ensuring that you have the right support to guide you through the process can be the key to ensuring that your divorce is as painless and smooth as possible. For people in Maspeth, Queens, divorce attorney or professional mediator, Mr. Darren Shapiro could be the answer to your family law problems.

Your Local Divorce Lawyer for Maspeth, Queens

When something goes wrong with your marriage, and the only option is to call it quits, you'll need a legal professional that can help you to navigate the often-overwhelming complexities of divorce. The end of a marriage doesn't just mean thinking about things like who is going to live where, or which spouse should be eligible for maintenance payments. For many couples, the concerns range all the way from issues to do with child support and pensions, to concerns surrounding child custody law. In Maspeth Queens, the commercial community in Queens, Mr. Darren Shapiro is a close by experienced professional, local child custody attorney and divorce lawyer for those in search of family law guidance.

According to Wikipedia.com, Maspeth was home to around 30,516 people in 2010. While not all of those individuals will need the support of a divorce attorney, it's safe to say that a significant portion of people in any community can find themselves in search of the support that a family law lawyer can bring. After all, professionals like Mr. Shapiro aren't just there for divorce purposes. Mr. Shapiro can also help parties to deal with complications that range all the way from orders of protection in family court, child visitation agreements, to name changes and adoption.

Although an experienced family law lawyer might not make your legal experience into a walk in the park, they can help to ensure that you face as few complications as possible as you continue to advocate for your best interests or what you believe is in the best interests of your children. What's more, since Mr. Shapiro has set up his family law office on Jericho Turnpike in Jericho, New York, Nassau County, you can rest assured that he will only be a short drive away from Queens when you need him to guide you through your legal issues.

Support from A Child Custody Attorney in Maspeth, Queens

As mentioned above, the concerns that arise because of divorce aren't always limited to issues with equitable distribution and managing assets. Family law is also frequently used to address the concerns of what should happen regarding child custody and visitation when a marriage comes to an end. After all, there are several important decisions to be made about where a child should live when a divorce occurs, and who should be responsible for providing additional financial support for that child. As an experienced child custody lawyer, Mr. Shapiro is available to residents of Maspeth to discuss all the issues related to divorce, and child custody of the children.

While Mr. Shapiro's familiarity and proximity to the courts of Queens means that he's both a convenient and effective litigator for cases involving child custody and divorce, he can also offer his clients solutions that stay outside of the courtrooms too. In some cases, particularly those that involve children, some parties will prefer to turn to alternative dispute resolution methods to negotiate the terms of their divorce, or the agreements that must be made after a marriage has ended. If this is the case for you, then Mr. Shapiro can provide access to both mediation and collaborative law strategies.

With almost 20 years of experience as an attorney in New York, Mr. Shapiro's extensive knowledge of the industry and the area means that he's the ideal choice for many local parties in search of legal support. With his collaborative law solutions, you could access the support and opinions of people relevant to your case. For instance, if you need help deciding how debts should be distributed between parties, or who should be allowed to claim child tax benefits, then you might work alongside an accountant or a child specialist when speaking to Mr. Shapiro. On the other hand, if you prefer mediation as your form of alternative dispute resolution, you can come together with your ex-partner to discuss issues in a safe and neutral space where both people can ensure that their issues and concerns are heard.

Local Legal Support for Maspeth

Ultimately, regardless of where your legal journey might take you through the areas of family law and divorce, it's helpful to know that there's someone located nearby who can help you to answer your questions, and simplify the process as much as possible. With his friendly nature, local convenience, and in-depth experience, Mr. Shapiro is a popular choice for people throughout Maspeth, Queens and beyond. Mr. Darren Shapiro offers his clients an initial half-hour consultation where they can discuss the details of their case in depth, and find out more about the services available to them.

If you're located in Maspeth Queens County or somewhere nearby and you need the help of a divorce attorney, collaborative professional, or mediator, please reach out to Mr. Darren Shapiro either through our online contact form or through a phone call to (516) 333-6555. We look forward to hearing from you.

Client Reviews
"Darren Shapiro did an outstanding job with case he was hired for. His price was reasonable and his actions were effective in this case. I would hire this Lawyer again and highly recommend his services." Anonymous
“Darren was excellent in court and able to negotiate a fair settlement in my Child support case.” Anonymous
“Hands down, he is the best att'y I have ever dealt with. He is thorough, objective, and above all, extremely dedicated.” Anonymous